Are you ready for the new season?
Lock in Sunday, October 1st ... The countdown to the start of the new trout fishing season is on! It's time once again, to be thinking of balmy Spring days, hatching mayflies, and stalking trout in the clear waters of our wonderful rivers ... all with a fly rod in hand.

If you want to give fly fishing a go or feel the need to improve your existing skills, check out my Latest Spring-Summer Schedule of fun classes and fishing field trips ... and give me a call.
The focus of these Learning Opportunities is on new and better ways of approaching real-life fly fishing situations, to help you achieve greater self-reliance. The bonus is, you will also have plenty of opportunities to enjoy catching trout along the way.

Sunday, 29th October ... First Steps - The Basics of Fly Fishing
Over the winter I introduced a 'modular' opportunity to learn the basics of fly fishing in three, two-hour sessions. The course was structured over two evening classes plus one morning session, covering all the fundamentals of fly fishing ... equipment, how-to-rig-it, essential knots, understanding your quarry, demystifying trout flies, basic fly-casting, spotting, stalking, hooking, playing, landing, and safe trout handling ... in essence, everything you need to know to get a good start to fly fishing for trout. This proved a fun and effective option and the course was a sell-out ... I'm looking forward to running another modular course again next winter.
I have just scheduled one more First Steps - The Basics of Fly Fishing ... this time the Full One-Day Course format, (covering all the same material), on Sunday, 29th October.
Once again, the course is limited to ten participants and costs $135.00 per person. It will be based at the Nelson-Marlborough Fish and Game Rooms, 66-74 Champion Rd, Richmond.
This is always a great opportunity to learn the basics of fly fishing and establish an excellent platform for your future personal fly fishing development. If you would like more information - Contact Me -